I think I may hate New Years Resolutions, but I have realized there is a skill (well quite a few to be honest) I just have to learn. I see it in demand in Upwork, on websites and I think I may be able to learn it if I put my mind to it. The skill is (drum roll) ILLUSTRATION... so, my first step is I've found this list which seems legit:
It is from https://digitaldefynd.com/ and I I am determined to at the very least give one of them a go. If you are interested in learning, let me know and what you use, or learn along with me and we can motivate each other to just do it. I think character illustration and story-book illustration is at the top of my list, and I would LOVE to design cartoons, so I'm hoping one of the courses offers that type of thing.
Don't get me wrong, at the moment when I, for instance, design a logo I start with a pencil and paper illustration of sorts - but then I sort of recreate it on-scree, sometimes with a scan of the drawing to work from, but I'm never happy with the results (imagine that, a designer who is never happy with their own work ;-P ).
As a full time freelancer I tend to want to focus only on trying to get the work and successfully completing it, and spend a lot of my time doing that, but what I am aware I need to also do is LEARN NEW SKILLS. It feels like I'm wasting time and I shall let you know if my Illustration attempts nose-dive, but for now, I'm setting one Design Resolution for myself in 2020. Wish me luck and let me know yours too, I'd love to hear from you.